Guilherme F. Lima

I hold a DSc (2015) and a MSc (2011) in Informatics and a BA (2008) in Information Systems, all from PUC-Rio, Brazil (CV here). My research interests are in programming languages and models for multimedia, and in formal methods applied to computer programming in general. I’m a former member of the TeleMídia and TecMF labs.


See my GitLab and GitHub pages, and also GitHub/TeleMidia.



  • G. F. Lima, A. Slo, S. Bhowmik, M. Endler, and K. Rothermel. 2018. Skipping Unused Events to Speed Up Rollback-Recovery in Distributed Data-Parallel CEP. In 5th ACM/IEEE BDCATbib doi pre-print
  • J. P. Dodsworth, L. de Macêdo Terças, A. L. V. Guedes, G. F. Lima, C. de Salles Soares Neto, and S. Colcher. 2018. Dynamic Integration of Foreign-Language Parsers into an NCL Player. In 24th ACM WebMediabib doi
  • R. C. M. Santos, G. F. Lima, F. Sant’Anna, R. Ierusalimschy, and E. H. Haeusler. 2018. A Memory-bounded, Deterministic and Terminating Semantics for the Synchronous Programming Language CÉU. In 19th ACM LCTESbib doi


  • G. F. Lima, R. G. de Albuquerque Azevedo, S. Colcher, and E. H. Haeusler. 2017. Converting NCL Documents to Smix and Fixing Their Semantics and Interpretation in the Process. In 23rd ACM WebMediabib doi pre-print
  • S. Colcher, A. L. Guedes, R. G. de Albuquerque Azevedo, G. F. Lima, R. C. Santos, and A. Busson. 2017. Projetos Atuais e Visão de Futuro do Laboratório TeleMídia/PUC-Rio em Videocolaboração. In O Futuro da Videocolaboração: Perspectivas, ed. Leandro Ciuffo and Valter Roesler. bib


  • G. F. Lima, C. Braga, and E. H. Haeusler. 2016. The Smix synchronous multimedia language: Operational semantics and coroutine implementation. In 1ª ETMFbib pre-print
  • G. F. Lima, R. C. Santos, and R. G. de Albuquerque Azevedo. 2016. Programming Multimedia Applications in GStreamer. In 22nd ACM WebMediabib doi pre-print
  • R. C. M. Santos, G. F. Lima, F. Sant’Anna, and N. Rodriguez. 2016. CÉU-MEDIA: Local Inter-Media Synchronization Using CÉU. In 22nd ACM WebMediabib doi
  • R. G. de Albuquerque Azevedo and G. F. Lima. 2016. A graphics composition architecture for multimedia applications based on layered-depth-image. In 2016 IEEE 3DTV-CONbib doi


  • G. F. Lima. 2015. A synchronous virtual machine for multimedia presentations. PhD dissertation, Department of Informatics, PUC-Rio. bib pre-print
  • R. G. de Albuquerque Azevedo, G. F. Lima, and L. F. G. Soares. 2015. An Approach to Convert NCL Applications into Stereoscopic 3D. In 2015 ACM DocEngbib doi


  • G. F. Lima and L. F. G. Soares. 2013. Two Normal Forms for Link-Connector Pairs in NCL 3.0. In 19th ACM WebMediabib doi pre-print
  • G. F. Lima, L. F. G. Soares, R. G. A. Azevedo, and M. F. Moreno. 2013. Reducing the Complexity of NCL Player Implementations. In 19th ACM WebMediabib doi pre-print
  • L. F. G. Soares, G. F. Lima, M. F. Moreno, R. G. A. Azevedo, E. C. Araújo, R. Rios, and C. E. C. F. Batista. 2013. Revisiting the inter and intra media synchronization model of the NCL player architecture. In 2013 MediaSyncbib


  • G. F. Lima. 2011. Eliminanting Redundancies from the NCL EDTV Profile. Master’s thesis, Department of Informatics, PUC-Rio. bib pre-print


  • G. F. Lima, L. F. G. Soares, C. S. S. Neto, M. F. Moreno, R. M. R. Costa, and M. F. Moreno. 2010. Towards the NCL Raw Profile. In 2nd WTVDIbib pre-print
  • L. F. G. Soares, C. S. S. Neto, and G. F. Lima. 2010. NCL 3.1 Enhanced Digital TV Profile. In 2nd WTVDIbib


“An education, which requires the training of the mind in rational thoughtfulness, goes against the grain. It isn’t easy. It isn’t even ‘natural’, as we usually mean the word. To live, even to live an ordinary and comfortable life, requires the practice of rational thoughtfulness no more than it requires the practice on a violin. You can come and go, get and spend, work and play, choose and reject, rise and fall, live and die, entirely in response to the suggestions without [any of] the appetites within.” — Richard Mitchell, The Underground Grammarian, The Graves of Academe (1981)

“Uncertainty, in the presence of vivid hopes and fears, is painful, but must be endured if we wish to live without the support of comforting fairy tales.” — Bertrand Russell, History of Western Philosophy (1945)

“However nearly complete the victory of mechanised industry may be, it can never obliterate the fact of human responsibility, & there will always be many who will choose to be masters of their work & in their own workshops rather than masters of other men working under sub-human conditions, that is to say conditions which deny them intellectual responsibility.” — Eric Gill, An Essay on Typography (1931)

“There is no style store; style is organic to the person doing the writing, as much as part of him as his hair, or if he is bald, his lack of it. Trying to add style is like adding a toupee. At first glance the formerly bald man looks young and even handsome. But at second glance—and with a toupee there’s always a second glance—he doesn’t look quite right. The problem is not that he doesn’t look well groomed; he does, and we can only admire the wigmaker ‘s skill. The point is that he doesn’t look like himself.” — William Zinsser, On Writing Well (2006)

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